Computer Apps Class

Computer Apps Class

Computer Apps Class is a free in-person session and resource that provides hands-on training, support, and guidance for people with aphasia using speech therapy apps on an iPad.  The speech therapy apps help boost speaking, listening, reading, writing, and communicating number concepts.

The following list of apps does not endorse any specific application or therapy.  These are samples of apps that may be used during class.  Although you are welcome to bring a personal tablet, the Center will supply iPads with the apps during class.

Basic apps

  • Mapping apps, such as Google Maps, help communicate directions.
  • Texting or emailing apps using plenty of emojis and pictures and sending voice recordings or videos can help with communication if someone with aphasia has difficulty reading.
  • Language apps let you hear how something is pronounced by clicking on a picture or word. Text-to-speech apps and word prediction software encourage writing.
  • Whiteboard or Sketch Pad apps also allow for more accessible communication.
  • Social media can be an excellent way for people with aphasia to connect with family and friends. Instagram concentrates on pictures, and Facebook has pages and groups dedicated to people with aphasia.


Advanced apps

  • Tapgram is a messaging tool designed for people with aphasia. Tapgram can make sending simple messages to your loved ones easy.  Once set up, you won’t need to touch a keyboard to send messages to family and friends.  Instead, you can create messages by tapping on images, which can be posted to your social media feed or transmitted to your loved ones via email.  In turn, your loved ones tap on pictures to send you a reply.  You will need a phone, tablet, or computer with a connection and a free Tapgram account.  Tapgram comes with a quick start guide.
  • Constant Therapy apps are award-winning scientifically based cognitive, language, and speech therapy apps. They are designed for people recovering from stroke and traumatic brain injury or living with aphasia, dementia, and other neurological conditions.  Created by a Boston University team of neuroscientists and clinicians, Constant Therapy offers the following products: Constant Therapy
  • Tactus Therapy apps were designed by a speech-language pathologist to be used in the clinic and at home by adults with aphasia and other communication challenges. The apps are easy to use and affordable to own.  The apps have no subscriptions, log-in screens, or need for Wi-Fi.  Tactus Therapy offers free lite versions of the apps for trying them out.  Use the App Finder to find the best apps for your needs:  Tactus Therapy App Finder 


If you are interested in learning more about Computer Apps Class:

Organizer: Becky Reese
Contact Organizer
Meets In-person.
Cost: FREE for members
Appropriate for all levels of aphasia.