Get to Know Jim Kasper

Name: Jim Kasper

When did you have your stroke? June 2, 2021

What was your occupation?  Software Developer for Medical Billings Systems

What are your favorite activities now?  Watching my wife.  I must keep an eye on her because she always gets into trouble!  Nowadays, church activities and Aphasia Community Center activities take up most of my time.

What piece of advice would you offer to other people with aphasia?  Find and join an aphasia group because it will allow you to be with others with similar struggles.

What is your biggest accomplishment in the last year?  Renovations to our condominium.  Reading to my granddaughter.

In what way are you raising awareness of aphasia in our community?  Participating in as many awareness events as possible.

Do you have any pets?  No.  Wait, I have a pet fly named Ranger.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Any my wife lets me eat!

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?  Try to remain positive.  Keeping a positive outlook makes life more enjoyable and doable.